Teeth Whitening

Brighten Your Smile at Lantern Dental

Often, individuals with stained or discolored teeth may simply require a whitening technique in request to reestablish their smile.
Individuals with stained or dull teeth usually benefit from whitening, which is a safe and effective way to brighten stained, discolored or dull teeth. Indeed, even a difficult single tooth that is noticeably more blunt or less white than your different teeth can be individually brighten.

Types of Teeth Whitening

Teeth bleaching items, which contain peroxides, actually change your natural tooth tone anywhere from five to seven – however even up to twelve – shades brighter.
One cycle known as chairside bleaching involves applying either a protective gel to your gums or an elastic shield to ensure the soft tissues in the mouth. A bleaching agent is then applied to the teeth, and a special light is utilized to enhance the chemical action.
If your teeth are not dark or extremely stained, you may require just one bleaching session. Tooth bleaching safely lightens the shade of your teeth, and can last as long as five years.
In general, bleaching works for the vast majority. Tooth bleaching is best if your teeth are darkened from age, coffee, tea or smoking. Teeth darkened with the shade of yellow, earthy colored or orange react better to lightening. Different types of gray stains caused by fluorosis, smoking or tetracycline can be lightened, yet with not exactly satisfactory outcomes.

Am I A Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

If you are interested in brightening your smile, have your teeth evaluated by us. Not every person is a good candidate for bleaching. Now and again of serious discoloration and pitted teeth, for example, facade may be more appropriate than bleaching. In addition, crowns, bridges, and fillings do not bleach, so it may be necessary to replace dental work to make it mix with the new shade of your bleached teeth. A X-ray of your teeth may be the solitary accurate way of making a genuine assessment.
If you might want to brighten your smile, call our DeSoto, TX office today at (972) 274-9300 to plan your whitening appointment!